Warner Bros.
The Closer fans always show how much they love Brenda Leigh Johnson's parents, Clay and Willie Ray Johnson. Both parents loved their daughter and allowed her to make her own decisions, but let's see if you can remember which episodes her dad appeared in.
  1. Did Brenda's dad appear in the episode "Blindsided"?
  2. Did Brenda's dad appear in the episode "The Butler Did It"?
  3. Did Brenda's dad appear in the episode "Split Ends"?
  4. Did Brenda's dad appear in the episode "Good Faith"?
  5. Did Brenda's dad appear in the episode "Slippin"?
  6. Did Brenda's dad appear in the episode "Borderline"?
  7. Did Brenda's dad appear in the episode "Junk in the Trunk"?
  8. Did Brenda's dad appear in the episode "The Other Woman"?
  9. Did Brenda's dad appear in the episode "Double Blind"?
  10. Did Brenda's dad appear in the episode "No Good Deed"?

Did Brenda Leigh Johnson's dad appear in these ''The Closer'' episodes?

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