Warner Bros.

If Fritz Howard and Brenda Leigh Johnson got married in 2025, their wedding song would be "Lover" by Taylor Swift. Just read this line from the song, "And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear/ Have I known you for 20 seconds or 20 years?"

The characters' chemistry is undeniable, often making Will Pope jealous. Why was Fritz the perfect guy for everyone's favorite closer? According to Jon Tenney, it's because he genuinely loves and respects her.

"I think Fritz loves her. On a very simple level, he just loves her. I sort of did my own little "psychological profile" of what he finds attractive and challenging and all that, but the bottom line is he genuinely loves and respects her," the actor said during an interview with TV Guide in 2006.

He continued, "What's interesting about the relationship is that on one level, Kyra grounds the thing, but we all have our piece of the puzzle to fill in. I see my piece as the one that allows you to see Brenda in her personal life and in an area of her life in which she is struggling, as opposed to being as surefooted as she is in the professional world."

It's safe to say Howard and Johnson were among audiences' favorite TV couples in 2006. 

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